Archive for the ‘Mechanical Movement’ Category

I’m unable to embed this video of a slow motion parachute deployment, so I’ve included a still shot. But it’s so interesting; check out the link. Parachute Deployment Sinuous deployment of the fabric seems to come up a lot in the recent stuff I’ve looked at lately. In just a moment I’ll post up some […]

For the final week of the Body Acoustic course, the assignment was to design and construct a prop and perform with it. I took this as the perfect jump-start to building a full-scale mock-up of the bat wing model I made early in the semester. Here’s a very early mock-up to test the channel at […]

Keeping up with blogging is not my strong suit. So I’ll just have to beg forgiveness for my lack of chronological order and dive in. Here are some of my first models exploring movement mechanisms. They are all based on familiar, everyday objects (fans, scissors, etc.). I firmly belief in the need to understand the […]

“It was quite a chore to figure out how to build it, design it, make the parts work.” These words are from Del, the star of the video below and maker of the amazing wooden structure featured. Just when I’m feeling quite proud of myself and the wing I made this week, Del reminds me […]

Amandine Kastler at the AA in London has put together a fantastic catalog of Devices of Motion on her thesis blog. While our projects are very different, I’m indebted to her for this catalog and am constantly referencing it as I think about movement in my own project. Follow Amandine’s work at